"Birmingham, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1937", database with digital images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.co.uk : accessed 3 August 2018), entry for George Wright and Emily Chorley marriage date 7 April 1890; citing Anglican Parish Records. Birmingham, England: Library of Birmingham.

Text from source:

1890 Marriage solemnised at Church of St David in the parish of St David Birmingham in the County of Birmingham
No. When Married Name and surname Age Condition Rank or profession Residence at the time of marriage Father's name and Surname Rank or profession of father
34 7 Apr 1890 George Wright 24 Bachelor Electroplate Worker 2, Emily PLace, McDonald Steet, Highgate, Birmingham, England John Charles Wright Painter
Emily Chorley 26 Spinster Servant 31, Vaughton Street, Highgate, Birmingham, England William Chorley (Deceased) Sawyer
Married in the Church of St David according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Establish Church, After Banns.
This Marriage was solemnized between us, George Wright and Emily Chorley
in the Presence of us, Henry Chorley and Mary Elizabeth Chorley