Susan Jane Wright1,2,3,4,5,6
Father Stanley Wright (1861 - )
Mother Mary Ann Harper (cal 1865 - 1932)

Family with Henry Smith (cal 1899 - 1982)

Events and attributes

7 March 1894 (age 0)
Birmingham, England1,7
31 March 1901 (age 7)
40, Highbury Road, Kings Heath, Worcestershire, England1
2 April 1911 (age 17)
Brush Maker2
2 April 1911 (age 17)
1, Eton Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, England2
16 February 1919 (age 24)
To Frederick Wright and Ellen Hall
Christ Church, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, England

Woman's age: 26y
Man's Age: 27y6
1921 (age ~27)

She probably worked in a Chemist's shop but was not a registered chemist or druggist; her name does not appear in "The Registers of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Chemists and Druggists" published in 1919 by the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.8
10 December 1921 (age 27)
Liverpool, England to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

She travelled 3rd class on the Scythia and stated that the Salvation Army paid part of her fare. She intended to reside permanently in Canada and was emigrating because she was 'out of employment'. Her intended occupation was 'Domestic', and she was destined to the Salvation Army in Halifax.

Her nearest relative in England was Mr S. Wright (her father) of 67 Rotten Row, Lichfield, Staffs8,9
24 October 1924 (age 30)
221, Peel Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

When Mary Agnes Wright travelled to Canada in October 1924, she stated that she was going to join her sisters Susan and Hettie [probably Ethel] at 221 Peel Street, Montreal.10
8 July 1926 (age 32)
8 July 1926 (age 32)
18, Elm Grove, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, England

18 Elm Grove was where her brother Frederick lived.3
8 July 1926 (age 32)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada to Southampton, Hampshire, England

She travelled third class on the RMS Minnedosa with her sister Mary Agnes Wright and declared that her country of permanent residence was Canada and her intended future country of permanent residence was "other parts of the British Empire" (i.e. not England Scotland Ireland or Wales).3
13 August 1926 (age 32)
13 August 1926 (age 32)
67, Rotten Row, Lichfield, Staffordshire, England12
13 August 1926 (age 32)
Liverpool, England to Montreal, Quebec, Canada

She travelled in third class (paying her own passage) with her sister Mary Wright on the Montcalm and stated that her last country of permanent residence was "Other parts of the British Empire" and her intended country of future permanent residence was Canada.

She had previously been resident in Canada from December 1921 to June 1926 and was re-admitted as a 'Returned Canadian'. Her occupation in England was 'Chemistry' and her intended occupation was 'Domestic; her destination was 241 Drummond Street where her employer D.A. Wanklyn lived.12,11
4 June 1927 (age 33)
To Henry Smith
Central United Church, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Woman's age: 33y
Man's Age: 27y4
4 June 1927 (age 33)
4 June 1927 (age 33)
241, Drummond Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada4
September 1972 (age 78)
Mount Royal Cemetery, Outremont, Montreal, Quebec, Canada5
25 September 1972 (age 78)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada5,7


  1. [S19] 1901 census of England, Worcester, Kings Norton, Kings Heath, Stanley Wright; digital image, Ancestry ( : accessed 07 September 2016); citing Class: RG13; Piece: 2806; Folio: 118; Page: 38.
  2. [S34] 1911 census of England, Worcestershire, Balsall Heath, Mrs M. Wright; digital image, Ancestry ( : accessed 20 September 2016); citing Class: RG14; Piece: 17910; Schedule Number: 181.
  3. [S69] "UK, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960", digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 10 October 2016), manifest, Minnedosa, arriving 8 July 1926, Ticket numbers 313 and 314, Mary Agnes Wright age 39 and Susan Jane Wright age 32; citing The National Archives of the UK; Kew, Surrey, England; Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Inwards Passenger Lists.; Class: BT26; Piece: 829; Item: 2
  4. [S113] Province of Quebec [Canada] - Provincial Health Service, "Statistical Return of Marriage" 1927 Henry Smith and Susan Jane Smith", digital image of microfilm, supplied by KG 18 October 2016.
  5. [S114] Mount Royal Cemetery (Outremont, Quebec Canada) email to KG,, 21 October 2016, providing administrative records for Susan Jane Smith nee Wright and Henry Smith buried in section L 6068-M
  6. [S128] "Birmingham, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1937", database with digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 25 October 2016), entry for Frederick Wright and Ellen Hall marriage date 16 February 1919; citing Anglican Parish Records. Birmingham, England: Library of Birmingham.
  7. [S115] Drouin Collection [Canada], 1972 Wright, Susan Jane death, digital image, supplied by KG 18 October 2016.
  8. [S88] "Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1924", digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 18 October 2016), entry for Susan Jane Wright born abt 1894 Birmingham Dec q 1921 Halifax Nova Scotia; citing Library and Archives Canada. Form 30A, 1919-1924 (Ocean Arrivals). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada, n.d.. RG 76. Department of Employment and Immigration Fonts. Microfilm Reels: T-14939 to T-15248.
  9. [S89] "UK, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960", digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 18 October 2016), manifest, Scythia, departing 10 December 1921, Ticket number 50809, Susan Jane Wright age 27; citing Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Outwards Passenger Lists. BT27. Records of the Commercial, Companies, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments. Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies. The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.
  10. [S71] "Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1924", digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 16 October 2016), entry for Mary Agnes Wright born abt 1888 Sutton Coldfield arrival Nov 1924 Quebec; citing Library and Archives Canada. Form 30A, 1919-1924 (Ocean Arrivals). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada, n.d.. RG 76. Department of Employment and Immigration Fonts. Microfilm Reels: T-14939 to T-15248.
  11. [S72] "Canadian Passenger Lists 1865-1935", digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 16 October 2016), entry for Mary Agnes Wright born abt 1887 England arrival 20 Aug 1926 in Quebec, Canada; citing Passenger Lists, 1865–1935. Microfilm Publications T-479 to T-520, T-4689 to T-4874, T-14700 to T-14939, C-4511 to C-4542. Library and Archives Canada, n.d. RG 76-C. Department of Employment and Immigration fonds. Library and Archives Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  12. [S70] "UK, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960", digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 10 October 2016), manifest, Montcalm, departing 13th August 1926, Ticket number 20236, Mary Agnes Wright age 37 and Susan Jane Wright age 32; citing Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Outwards Passenger Lists. BT27. Records of the Commercial, Companies, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments. Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies. The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.